Thanks for stopping by! I have been so inspired and
in Awe of the awesome talent I have seen since I started
blogging the 1st of July 2011! Thanks to all my followers and soon-to-bes! I appreciate all the comments too. Keep
scrapping and have fun!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Close To My Heart Pocket Card

Super fun and super easy and fast! try one! I used Close To My hEart products! Shop with me!

Here is the tutorial-

Happy Scrapping!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Which Disney Princess Am I? Hop

Welcome to the Which Disney Princess Am I Blog Hop -

Every girl both old and young alike love to be a "Princess" and we really aren't old to believe we are a princess. Today's hop is going to include our favorite Princess with clues and then the final reveal with our project displaying which Princess we are --- NOW, the question is, how well do you know your Disney Princess. 

There will be blog candy of course --- your very own Princess Crown and a Piecing Project of your favorite Princess by remarking on each stop on the royal kingdoms along the way!!! 

Some day my Prince will come but, I will always have my crown as these princesses have for you along the way:

  1. Lynne -  
  2. Tami - 
  3. Susan - 
  4. Colleen - 
  5. Janet S -  
  6. CallyAnn- 
  7. Ashley - 
  8. Angela-
  9. Kimberly 
  10. Barbara B 
  11. Gill - 
  12. Anita~ 
  13. Beckie - 
  14. Pamela ~
                                        Happy Scrapping

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tinker Bell Hop

Welcome to the Wonderful World Of Tinker Bell!

Today, we are celebrating all those cute characters that come alive on the screen.  If you just happened to visit me today, I wouldn't want you to miss anything and would want you to start with Lisa at  

My project today is a ...
A Tinker Bell Desk Calendar

Here are a few supplies you might need.

Start with your 5 by 7 clear double picture frame.
Measure and cut your paper. Slide into frame.
Add your post it notes, calender, pen and any embellishments you like. I also took some Cotton Candy Bakers Twine and wrapped it around the pen.
5 by 7 Clear Double Photo Holder
Post It Noye
Tinker Bell Stickers
Bakers Twine
Pearl Bling

Thanks for stopping by!
I am the last stop!
Happy Scrapping

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Giveaway!

Mother's Day Giveaway

Please go check out my new friends Giveaway!

Tell her Hi for me too! Thanks
Happy Scrapping

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Close To My Heart

Did you know I just signed up to be a CTMH Consultant??? I would love for you to check out their site and would love to be your Consultant! Just click on the button to the left! Thanks
Happy Scrapping

Monday, April 16, 2012

Creative Cutters Room Challenge! Easter

Here is a cute Easter Treat I made for a friend! My homemade Lollipops are yummy! thanks for peeking!
Here is my Facebook page for the Lollipops! Would love for you to stop by!

Happy Scrapping

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Baby Boy!

This is a Lollipop Pot I made for a friend who just had a new baby boy! I hope she likes!
Entering in:
Dorcela Creations-Baby
Decorate to Celebrate-Baby Here is the link to play along! (
Happy Scrapping

Peachy Keen Challenge! Anything Goes!

I made this for a girl who just had open heart surgery, I used the Art Philsophy Cartridge and these adorable Peachy Keen Stamp Faces!
Happy Scrapping

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lady Bug Gift Bag

Hi and Happy Monday! Thanks for visiting today. I am on a new Design Team and this is my first post for it! We were all given this adorable Lady Bug to work with! Hope you like it!
I used Bags, Tags and More Cartridge for the bag. Made the lady bug from Lisa's new Store. Used Peachy Keen Stamp for the face. Black Glitter ribbon for the legs and antenna! And super cute buttons. Then made my homemade Lollipops and put them in. This is for a super dee duper friend Pam L. I hope she likes it too!

Also say hi on the Fan Page and tell her CallyAnn sent you!
Happy Scrapping!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Winner! Olivia's baby Shower

Thanks everyone thta participated and left comments! We all appreciate it!
So the winner of the Spring Cottage Cartridge from Ericas Craft Room is:::

Theresa-Scrapping Heels!

Congrats and enail your info so I can send it Erica!

Happy Scrapping!

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